Why Do We Dream? What Does It Mean? w/ Benjamin The DreamWizard

Description of Why Do We Dream? What Does It Mean? w/ Benjamin The DreamWizard
Welcome back to the show everyone! Thank you for joining us once more. Today I have a very special guest on in mr. Benjamin Davidson AKA The Dream Wizard.
Benjamin is a "Wizard" of dream analysis using the education, training and experience of over 20 years in psychology combined with a unique autistic flair for associative connections between lived experience and nocturnal visions.
FireFae and I had a blast recording and speaking with Benjamin and FireFae will hopefully soon do a one on one dream analysis on the Wizard his channel. So keep an eye out for that!
Some of the topics discussed;
Are dreams real?
Can dreams be prophetic?
What does it mean if I am visited in my dreams?
and much, much more!
For now, sleep tight, pleasant dreams and enjoy!
Where to find Bejamin: -
https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08Y69ZSTW -
https://benjaminthedreamwizard.locals.com/ -
Where to find the Tribe of the Greyhorn Pagans:
https://linktr.ee/greyhornpagans -
Support the Greyhorn Pagans
Music used:
Intro: Witchhouse Requiem by Humanfobia https://humanfobia-official.bandcamp.com/album/epitafio-fantasmal-2021
Outro: Viking/Medieval Theme by M-Murray -- https://freesound.org/s/723202/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0