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Women in Business: IE University’s inspiring club for everyone

Women in Business: IE University’s inspiring club for everyone

3/8/2023 · 25:39

Description of Women in Business: IE University’s inspiring club for everyone

Angela Brito Gorriti is a fourth year Bachelor in Data and Business Analytics student and the President for the Undergrad Chapter of IE University’s Women in Business Club. Originally from Madrid in Spain, she grew up in Canada and Australia.

Angela joined Women in Business in her first year in an effort to meet more people, and says it’s one of the best things she’s done at IE University. It’s allowed her to meet like-minded students and inspiring professionals, as well as connect with women’s clubs all over Europe to share ideas and connect.


Women in Business: un inspirador club de IE University que es para todo el mundo

Angela Brito Gorriti está en cuarto del Grado en Datos y Analítica de Negocio, y es la presidenta de la división de grados del Women in Business Club de IE University. Natural de Madrid, se crio en Canadá y Australia.

Angela se unió al Women in Business Club en primero porque quería conocer gente, y dice que es una de las mejores decisiones que ha tomado en IE University. Este le ha permitido conocer a estudiantes afines a ella y profesionales que la han inspirado, además de ponerla en contacto con otros clubes de mujeres de Europa.

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