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By Kris Clink Kris Clink's Writing Table
Zeeva Bukai: The Anatomy of Exile

Zeeva Bukai: The Anatomy of Exile

1/17/2025 · 25:07

Description of Zeeva Bukai: The Anatomy of Exile

Zeeva Bukai was born in Israel and raised in New York City. Her stories have appeared in OfTheBook Press, Mcsweeney’s Quarterly Concern, December Magazine, The Jewish Quarterly and elsewhere. She completed a fellowship at the New York Center for Fiction, and residencies at Hedgebrook Writer’s Colony, and Byrdcliff AIR program. Zeeva received The Master’s Review fiction prize, the Curt Johnson Prose Award, and the Lilith Fiction Award. Her work has been anthologized in Frankly Feminist: Short Stories by Jewish Women from Lilith Magazine, and Out of Many: Multiplicity and Divisions in America Today. She holds an MFA from Brooklyn College and is the Assistant Director of Academic Support at SUNY Empire State University. She lives in Brooklyn with her family. Her debut novel is The Anatomy of Exile. 

Learn more at zeevabukai.com 
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