Author Blurb Podcast



Author Blurb Podcast

Interview: Baron R Birtcher is Reckoning to be your next must read

Join us in this electrifying episode as we sit down with the master of action thrillers, Author...

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Interview: Walking with Rick McKinney through his latest book.

Its time to get to know Rick McKinney, the brilliant mind behind the captivating book “And…So We...

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Interview: Travis Davis keeps the thrills with his Second novel Cobalt

Travis Davis, a prolific and talented author, has captured the hearts of thriller enthusiasts...

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Interview: Nina Elena helping guide people into homeschooling and onward.

Introducing our esteemed guest author, Nina Elena, a renowned expert in the field of...

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Interview: Jeff Smith driving down the Vegas strip of crime!

Welcome to the thrilling world of suspense and intrigue, where heart-pounding excitement awaits...

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Review: The Death and Resurrection of Baseball by William Douglas

what can a hater of baseball say about a book about baseball. With The Death and Resurrection of...

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Interview: Brian P Cleary with his books of fun and learning

Brian P. Cleary is a gifted children’s author who possesses a unique talent for blending the art...

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Interview: W.M. Leesman and a Journey of a Coin

On today’s episode, we have a very special guest joining us, W.M. Leesman, the author of the...

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Review: I know the Plans by Jennifer Bosma, but what plans?

I know the Plans is a children’s book that is designed to teach children about the bible...

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Interview: Michael Wiley and his multifaceted characters

Joining us today on the podcast is the esteemed author of gripping mystery and thrilling suspense...

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Interview: JG Gardner bringing a new world of magic to Fantasy!

JJ.G. Gardner, a university professor during the day and fantasy author at night, will captivate...

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Review: What Heaven Looks Like by Ari Field

Taking a journey with a child or someone needing comfort in seeing Heaven on Earth. I book with...

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Interview: Reed Farrel Coleman and his thrilling world of Crime

Reed Farrel Coleman is an exceptional figure in the world of crime fiction, widely regarded as a...

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Interview: William R Douglas taking a swing and hits a home run with his Novel

William R. Douglas is a captivating guest author whose words possess a unique ability to...

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Review: Land Of Amer, a Fantasy by Nauman A. Raja

A fantasy tale that entangles south Asia and English lore that formed the Land of Amer. This...

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Interview: Charles Salzberg and his journey to crime

Charles Salzberg, our esteemed guest author, is a literary virtuoso who captivates readers with...

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Interview: Jessica Flory Sailing into YA Fantasy

Jessica Flory is an extraordinary author who has captivated readers with her mesmerizing YA...

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Review: The Thing From HR by Roy M Griffis

The Thing From HR by Roy M Griffis is full of surprises. In this review a look at what Griffis...

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Interview: Phillip Wray discuss sword and word play!

Phillip Wray, like the legendary musketeers, possesses a fervent spirit and unwavering dedication...

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Interview: RG Belsky/Dana Perry and the mystery in the News

RG Belsky is an accomplished journalist and mystery writer known for his captivating storytelling...

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