Innovation Hype and Why We Should Wait on AI Regulation
Innovation is great…but hype is bad. Not only has all this talk of innovation not increased...
Innovation Hype and Why We Should Wait on AI Regulation
Innovation is great…but hype is bad. Not only has all this talk of innovation not increased...
Businesses are afraid to say “ethics”
“Sustainability,” “purpose/mission/value driven”, “human-centric design.” These are terms...
We’re Getting AI and Democracy Wrong
Democracy is about how we ought to distribute power in society and, more specifically, it’s the...
Why Copyright Challenges to AI Learning Will Fail and the Ethical Reasons Why They Shouldn’t
From the best of season 1. Well, I didn’t see this coming. Talking about legal and...
My guest and I have been doing AI governance for businesses for a combined 17+years. We started...
What’s Wrong With Loving an AI?
People, especially kids under 18, are forming emotional attachments with AI chatbots. At a...
Rationally Believing Conspiracy Theories
You might want more online content moderation so insane conspiracy theories don’t flourish. Sex...
AI Understands. A Little. Part 2
From the best of season 1. Part 2 of my conversation with Alex. There’s good reason to think AI...
ChatGPT Does Not Understand Anything Part 1
From the best of season 1. Part 1 of my conversation with Alex Grzankowski. It looks like...
Tyranny of the One Best Algorithm
One person driving one car creates a negligible amount of pollution. The problem arises when we...
With so many laws and so much case law, it’s virtually impossible for the layperson to know...
Is Tech a Religion that Needs Reformation?
Author of the new book “Tech Agnostic: How Technology Became the World's Most Powerful Religion,...
Should We Care About Data Privacy?
From the best of season 1: You might think it's outrageous that companies collect data about you...
We use the wrong metaphor for thinking about AI, Shannon Vallor argues, and bad thinking leads to...
Holding AI Responsible for What It Says
Canada Air blamed the LLM chatbot for giving false information about their bereavement fare...
California just signed a bill to drastically decrease deepfakes on social media. The worry, of...
Ethics for People Who Work in Tech
What does it look like to integrate ethics into the teams that are building AI? How can we make...
Doesn’t the title say it all? This is for anyone who wants the very basics on what AI is, why...
Does Social Media Diminish Our Autonomy?
Are we dependent on social media in a way that erodes our autonomy? After all, platforms are...
Choosing Who Should Benefit and Who Should Suffer with AI
From the best of season 1: I talk a lot about bias, black boxes, and privacy, but perhaps my...