The Bible provides simple truths for living the Christian life that have stood the test of time....
The Bible is God’s Word given to us through its 66 books by over 40 authors all inspired by the...
Sharing the Gospel starts with identifying a person in your life to intentionally come alongside...
Everyone wants peace, but why is it so hard to find? The world attempts to find peace by trying...
Jesus brings a joy that goes far beyond the idea of happiness. Because of His sacrifice for our...
God’s perfect love is on display in the story of Christmas. A weary world, lost and broken by...
When life gets hard, where does your hope come from? Our world tempts us to find hope in...
The resurrection of Jesus means victory over death, but it also means that we as his followers...
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the most significant moment in history. His...
Jesus’ death on the cross finished the work of salvation once and for all. This monumental moment...
Jesus died on a cross as a sacrifice to save us from our sin - a monumental turning point in all...
As Jesus stood accused before Pilate, an incredible scene played out: Jesus was found to be...
Knowing Jesus: The Gospel of Luke
Just before his crucifixion, Jesus modeled for us what it looks like to pray in our moments of...
As followers of Jesus, we inherit greatness - we’re called children of God in His Kingdom. But...
The meal Jesus shared with his disciples before going to the cross established a new covenant,...
Jesus is Coming Soon. Are you Ready?
Jesus was clear about his plans for the future: one day he will return in glory to rule and reign...
Bear Witness in a Fallen World
When the world feels like it’s spinning out of control, how will we respond? Jesus warns his...
Jesus reserves some of his strongest warnings for those who like to act religious but whose...
Religious leaders often attempted to trap Jesus into taking positions on Roman politics and...