What is The Future for Cities?



What is The Future for Cities?

290I Trailer Jen Borrero, a Colombian-Mexican Impact Entrepreneur and Community Developer

Are you interested in housing affordability projects? What do you think about successful cities?...

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288I Dan Hill, the Director of the Melbourne School of Design at the University of Melbourne

"[Cities are] multiple systems, threaded together, nested inside each other, interacting...

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287R Essay: On the smart city; Or a ‘manifesto’ for smart citizens instead (research summary)

Are you interested in smart citizens instead of smart cities? Summary of the article titled...

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286I Junaid Islam, a secure communication expert

"The future of cities is really something that is in our power to shape it if we are really...

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286I Trailer Junaid Islam, a secure communication expert

Are you interested in how technology and non-technology fuses in an ideal urban future? What do...

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284P Emerging Young Leaders about the future of cities

Are you interested in how emerging leaders see the future of cities? What do you think about...

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282I Keygan Huckleberry, Emergency Management Officer in Christchurch

"Some people are aware of the hazards, but unaware of the consequences." Are you...

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282I Trailer Keygan Huckleberry, Emergency Management Officer in Christchurch

Are you interested in disaster resilience planning? What do you think about 15-minute cities as a...

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283 Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Today would be a research episode, but since it is 2024 Christmas time, I want to just wish you...

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280I Hudson Worsley, co-founder and director of Presync

"At the theoretical level, the discipline of resilience is very human-centric, and I think...

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279R How ecosystem services drive urban growth: Integrating nature-based solutions (research summary)

Are you interested in urban ecosystem services? Summary of the article titled How ecosystem...

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280I Trailer Hudson Worsley, co-founder and director of Presync

Are you interested in the difference between sustainability and resilience professionals? What...

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278I Nadun Hennayaka, founder and CEO of Gaia Project Australia

"The world is a city on its own, we are not really disconnected." Are you interested...

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278I Trailer Nadun Hennayaka, founder and CEO of Gaia Project Australia

Are you interested in technology which enhances urban food production? What do you think about...

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276I Beth McDaniel, President of Reactive Surface Partners at McDaniel and Associates

"What we can't do is be an ostrich and put our head in the sand and expect [climate change]...

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275R Trends in research and tevelopment for CO2 capture and sequestration (research summary)

Are you interested in carbon capture and sequestration? Summary of the article titled Trends...

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